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Seattle ferry terminal |
You want to know why Seattle's near the top of my list? Taking a ferry across Puget Sound has to be one of the most relaxing and comfortable feelings you can ever experience. Both Jenny and I were on a mission to experience more of Seattle, and this day was going to be a cracker.
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Cheap as chips tickets |
Waiting at a ferry terminal isn't exactly what I call exciting, but the anticipation of actually hopping onto a ferry here in Seattle did excite me. Strangely, the fact that I live in Sydney and have hardly ever taken a ferry ride across my own harbour is odd to say the least.
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Gorgeous Puget Sound |
My ultimate bliss lasted about sixty minutes as the ferry docked into Bremerton. Jenn and I took in the views, looked around and decided to have a bit of a wander before we ate. Truth be told, we actually knew beforehand where we'd eat; Anthony's. Boy, were we really excited about eating at this place.
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Amazing and awesome |
As we entered the establishment our server (aka waiter, in Aussie slang) was ready and waiting to show us the table we were going to sit at. The curved windows circling the building, the shaded blinds, the luscious views. Gosh. The restaurant was decked out in superb decor and the staff were immaculately dressed.
Sadly for us, Jenn and I were poorly dressed. We looked like a couple of meth addicts dressed in Old Navy hand-me-downs with a couple of Groupon deals in hand wanting a cheap feed. Dress codes aside, we were both salivating at the mouth and ready to order some food. It wasn't too long before our server gave us a menu and for both Jenn and I to wonder about what great eats we were going to experience next.
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Ready to order, Sir? |
OK, so I've stopped being condescending to a certain part of our community and am speaking proper Aussie, mate. I ordered a beer, so too Jenn. It was something I had been longing for, apart from the blonde girl that walked by me in those tight, tight.....anyway. I was longing for a hefeweizen. Oh. My. Goodness. Tears fell from my eyes and filled my saucer.
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Hefeweizen |
And as I sip my beer, so too does Jenn. She got the Sound Brewery Poundage Porter and was pleased that she did. However, while we were sipping on great beer our eyes were firmly on the food menu. What should we get? So many mouth-watering offerings and tantalising appetisers that it took longer than expected to come to any sort of sane conclusion.
A few more sips later we ordered our meals. Crispy Coconut Prawn Bowl, Clam Chowder, Alaska True Cod 'n Chips and the Alaska Silver Salmon. To. Die. For. Once our meals arrived there was no talking, nothing. You could hear a pin drop. I even forgot to take picture of our meals, apart from the Alaskan Silver Salmon, so in awe I was of the food that arrived on our table. It was a feast fit for a king and queen.
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Alaska Silver Salmon |
But could this experience get any better? Yes it could! I had, by this stage, finished my hefeweizen and wanted to try another different beer. The safest bet I could make was to try an IPA. This time it was from Schooner Exact Brewing with a beer called 3-Grid IPA. It is just amazing to know that US breweries really know how to make great IPA's. This was no exception.
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3-Grid IPA |
The 3-Grid IPA had a golden haze, a citrus aroma and a delicate backbone of malt. It was one of the better IPA beers I had. By this stage both Jenn and I were overwhelmed with happiness in relation to the meal, the service and the drinks on offer. We both agreed that this restaurant got ten out of ten.
Unfortunately, what didn't get ten out of ten was my final beer. I will freely admit that I'm not a fan of Kolsch-style beer, but since I was in the United States of America I had to "grow some" and bite the bullet. I ordered a Hale's Kolsch German Style Ale. My only thought process about this beer was that it was much cleaner than a Pilsner but also lighter and less sweet.
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Kolsch |
Well, the beer may not have been sweet but our whole experience was certainly that. Sadly for us by the time we had finished our last beers the ferry had arrived back at Bremerton. Our window seat allowed us to time it perfectly so that we could casually walk back to the ferry upon it's arrival.
By the time it arrived it was well and truly becoming darker by the minute. Our trip from Bremerton back to Seattle was approaching dusk, but by the time we hit Seattle it was pitch black. But what a beautiful sight it was. The very first time seeing Seattle at night in the middle of Pugent Sound,
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Seattle from Puget Sound at night |
But Dawn played with us on this next trip, although our decision making wasn't all that great. It was decided a couple of days in advance that we try something new, something different here in Seattle. But what? Looking through the plethora of brochures provided by our hotel both Jenny and Dawn saw something unique.
So unique that I was a little tentative. The decision to go and indoor skydive isn't necessarily my thing to do, but when in Rome you do as the Roman's do. The iFly Seattle indoor skydiving center was something we agreed upon. However, due to Dawn's back problem she was unable to take part in actually flying with us.
Thankfully, being the true team member that she is we all went together to share the experience. There was no way in hell we'd even go if all three of us weren't involved. Sadly, our decision to take a cab ride to Tukwila wasn't the best of ideas. Fifty dollars later, our excitement in attempting to indoor skydive turned sour as the money transferred from our hands to the cab driver's.
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Shitting my pants, maybe? |
Still, when we entered the building all was pretty much OK. We filled in a few forms, signed our life away (literally) and then prayed to any God listening to three freaks that we were very good people and we don't want to get hurt. Did "God" listen to us? He may of, but he sure as hell made us tremble with fear.
Well, I say fear but it was more anxiousness. Before we could fly we were given a briefing by one of the instructors. It was a simple 10 minute introduction of what he expected, how to line your body up, how to move in the wind tunnel, the hand signals to use and just how to stay safe.
Sage advice, if you ask me. Stay safe. You didn't have to tell me that twice. Funnily enough, putting on all the gear made me feel like a pilot from Top Gun. I had this one-piece suit that gave me freedom in the most important areas. I also had to put in ear plugs, which allowed you to hear absolutely fuck all. Then the helmet, which made me look like a crazed lunatic that had just escaped from the mental institution. Some say I am already that way inclined!
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Yours truly flying at iFly, Seattle |
Regardless, it was time to fly. Being motioned to step into the wind chamber is like being told to get into the ring with Vitali Klitschko. I was very apprehensive, but I couldn't deny the inevitable. I had to bite the bullet, get in there and have a go.
Approaching the window to the chamber was scary, but remembering the instructions I got from my instructor gave me positive thoughts: trust the wind and simply dive in. That's exactly what I did. Some initial concern aside, it was one of the most coolest things I've ever done.
So cool in fact that our instructor gave us two more opportunities to fly in the wind. Simply amazing. Admittedly, there was one point where I was in such a position (see the photo above) that I couldn't breath through my nose. I'm not sure why, but it ended up that I had to breath through my mouth to actually get oxygen into me. It was the weirdest feeling, but at least I came out of it alive and simply thrilled at having this opportunity.
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Jenn and I are 100% certified at iFly |
As our three flights completed, we received our iFly certificates, thanked our instructor, took off our Top Gun clothes and went straight to the merchandise shop (not naked, as we did put back on our original clothes!). We couldn't leave without having to purchase a few things, and get directions on how to get back to Seattle without catching a cab.
Strangely, although our day was absolutely fantastic and thrilling that was just the start of it. Our bus ride back to town was a story within itself, but I'll probably tell that to you on another day as that involves another 8 beers that I drank. No wonder Seattle is somewhere I'd love to live. It really is a place near the top of my list.
The Journey continues.....